Fridays (for me) are the toughest days of the week. Hands down. This is unfortunate. Fridays are supposed to be pleasant just by their positioning (to the weekend) alone. Furthermore, Thursdays are a prelude to “pleasant Fridays” so naturally these generally are expected to be good days as well, but I can’t have a proper Thursday knowing that I have to “survive” Friday in order to get to the weekend. Sheesh. I’m not one of “those” that lives for the weekend, but I guess my point is, I can anticipate a “challenge” (or 2 or many) on Fridays. I teach 14 completely different classes and 10 of those classes have the honor (or maybe curse. Haha) of having me, as their teacher, twice a week. While the other 4 classes I only see once a week. This gives me a total of 24 hours of actual classroom instruction. I have 4 particularly challenging classes and wouldn’t you know, they all fall on one day. Can you guess which day? Hence, my lack of enthusiasm for Fridays. However, last Friday was great. The school put on a big Halloween bash for the kids. It was awesome. Kids were reduced to tears the entire day, I was able to hand out candy without having to extract a correct answer to a question like a dog trainer rewarding a puppy for completing a trick and I got a little mini break away from having to regulate a classroom of screamers, name-callers, desk-jumpers, glue eaters, marker-hurlers....
Anyhow, I spent the prior week getting my students pumped up about Halloween, which isn’t a holiday that’s celebrated here in Korea, so this complicated things a bit. I still don’t know whether they fully grasp the concept other than it’s a day when it’s ok to ask random strangers for candy and they give you candy. At least I was able to get them to say "trick-or-treat" instead of "give me candy". My kids are still trying to trick-or-treat me for candy.
Here's a couple pics from the day. The upper elementary kids had their party, which is shown below and then later, the youngsters had theirs. I wish I would've gotten snapshots of the little guys but alas, my camera decided to stop working.
(click bottom right corner to view full screen)
To be fair, I stuck my tongue out first :)